Subject: Scholarly discussion of the music of John Cage.
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- From: Thomas Moore <>
- To: "" <>
- Cc: Sara Haefeli <>, Paul Beaudoin <>
- Subject: Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?
- Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 14:45:14 -0400
- Authentication-results:; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)
Sara, interesting question. I think Cagean looks better and is what I use (and is what I see most often), but Cageian also makes sense — as in Cage-i-an (three obvious syllables).
Thomas Moore
Director, Arts and Culture, Institutional Advancement, UMBC

UMBC was established upon the land of the Piscataway Conoy and Susquehannock peoples. Over time, citizens of many more Indigenous nations have come to reside in this region. We humbly offer our respects to all past, present, and future Indigenous people connected to this place.
Thomas Moore
Director, Arts and Culture, Institutional Advancement, UMBC
Chair, Advisory Board, Catonsville Arts & Entertainment District

UMBC was established upon the land of the Piscataway Conoy and Susquehannock peoples. Over time, citizens of many more Indigenous nations have come to reside in this region. We humbly offer our respects to all past, present, and future Indigenous people connected to this place.
On Apr 5, 2021, at 2:40 PM, Paul Beaudoin <> wrote:Cagean for me.--On Mon, 5. Apr 2021 at 21:27, Sara Haefeli <> wrote:Hello Silencers!
I need to decide on a standard spelling: Cagean or Cageian? Oxford Music Online uses both spellings in about the same number of instances.
Sara Haefeli, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorSchool of Music
Whalen Center for Music 2321
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Music History Pedagogy(607) 274-1629
"What we have before us are some breathtaking opportunities disguised as insoluble problems."
––John W. Gardner
Paul Beaudoin, Phd
Online Education Specialist
Fulbright Scholar, 2015
[silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Sara Haefeli, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Paul Beaudoin, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Thomas Moore, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Eric Theise, 04/05/2021
- Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?, David Bellows, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Rob Haskins, 04/05/2021
- Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?, SCOTT WASSERMAN, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
NONopera, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
AHF, 04/06/2021
- Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?, Mode Admin, 04/06/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
AHF, 04/06/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Eric Theise, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Thomas Moore, 04/05/2021
- Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?, Mode Admin, 04/05/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Rod Stasick, 04/06/2021
- Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?, Rod Stasick, 04/06/2021
Re: [silence] Cagean or Cageian?,
Paul Beaudoin, 04/05/2021
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