Subject: Scholarly discussion of the music of John Cage.
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- From: Thomas Moore <>
- To: Rod Stasick <>, silence <>
- Subject: Re: [silence] Love, Icebox
- Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2019 17:17:34 -0400
- Authentication-results:; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)
It’s a lovely book, and you won’t regret its purchase for a moment.
Thomas Moore
Director, Arts and Culture
Institutional Advancement

Thomas Moore
Director, Arts and Culture
Institutional Advancement

On Sep 28, 2019, at 5:12 PM, Rod Stasick <> wrote:Thanks to everyone who replied.
I surprised myself by asking that question
since I have never sneezed at buying any Cage book
(or academic paper for that matter), but I was curious
about the overlap. Thanks, I’ll certainly consider this.
thanks again,
On Sep 28, 2019, at 09:33, David Patterson <> wrote:
Hi! The contents of "Love, Icebox," while they do duplicate a fair amount of material found in "The Selected Letters of John Cage," also include a good number of letters that have not been published before. So the former is far from just a set of excerpts already found in the latter. I consider them very different books, albeit with some shared material. And as Tom Moore has already said, there is additional material of note in "Love, Icebox."
--David P.
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- [silence] Love, Icebox, Rod Stasick, 09/27/2019
- Re: [silence] Love, Icebox, Thomas Moore, 09/28/2019
- Re: [silence] Love, Icebox, David Patterson, 09/28/2019
- Re: [silence] Love, Icebox, Rod Stasick, 09/28/2019
- Re: [silence] Love, Icebox, Thomas Moore, 09/28/2019
- Re: [silence] Love, Icebox, Rod Stasick, 09/28/2019
- Re: [silence] Love, Icebox, David Patterson, 09/28/2019
- Re: [silence] Love, Icebox, Thomas Moore, 09/28/2019
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