Subject: URNTalks Contact Information
Do you want practice presenting your research in an informal setting? Do you want to learn about something new related to an area of interest? Check out URNTalks:URNTalks is a biweekly student-run research discussion club. During each online meeting, a student, or group of students, will volunteer to present prepared presentations of about 10-15 minutes highlighting their own research or interesting published research. Research talks and papers can be from any discipline – biology, economics, anthropology, computer science, history, chemistry (to name just a few) – are all encouraged! Throughout and after the presentation, there will be ample time for everyone to discuss the research approach, learn about the methods used, and analyze how the findings of the paper have influenced the area of study. URNTalks is for everyone and anyone – whether you are new to the realm of research or an experienced researcher, we hope that this group will provide an inclusive environment to learn more about a certain topic, grow in terms of knowledge of the field, and become effective communicators in academia.