Subject: Scholarly discussion of the music of John Cage.
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19 mails
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- [silence] A question about c ¢omposed improvisati on for
One-Sided Drums …, Lê Quan Ninh, 05/13/2017
- [silence], Louis Goldstein, 05/13/2017
- [silence] Re:, Mode Admin, 05/13/2017
- [silence] Re: A question about c ¢omposed improvi sation for One-Sided Drums …, Dionysis Boukouvalas, 05/13/2017
- [silence] Re: A question about c ¢omposed impr ovisation for One-Sided Drums …, Lê Quan Ninh, 05/13/2017
- [silence] Re: A question about c ¢omposed imp rovisation for One-Sided Drums …, Ralph Lichtensteiger, 05/15/2017
- [silence] Re: A question about c ¢omposed improvi sation for One-Sided Drums …, Lê Quan Ninh, 05/15/2017
- [silence] Re: Re: A question about c ¢omposed improvisation for One-Sided Drums …, anne wellmer, 05/22/2017
- [silence], Louis Goldstein, 05/13/2017
- [silence] Performing Indeterminacy Conference, 30 June - 2 July 2017, University of Leeds, Philip Thomas, 05/15/2017
- [silence] Re: A question about c ¢omposed improvi sation for One-Sided Drums, Glenn Freeman, 05/15/2017
- [silence] Fontana Mix..., anne wellmer, 05/22/2017
- [silence] Re: Fontana Mix... Nathan Thompson, Ralph Lichtensteiger, 05/25/2017
- [silence] Fontana Mix..., anne wellmer, 05/22/2017
- [silence] on John's Preparation, Glenn Freeman, 05/23/2017
- [silence] Re: on John's Preparation, Rob Haskins, 05/23/2017
- [silence] Re: on John's Preparation, Glenn Freeman, 05/23/2017
- [silence] Re: on John's Preparation, Rod Stasick, 05/24/2017
- [silence] Re: on John's Preparation, Glenn Freeman, 05/23/2017
- [silence] Re: on John's Preparation, Rob Haskins, 05/23/2017
- [silence] Registration reminder: Performing Indeterminacy Conference, 30 June - 2 July 2017, University of Leeds, Emily Payne, 05/31/2017
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