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virginia-atheist - Fwd: Mothers Made Us Human - Special Lecture by Sarah Hrdy April 26 at UVA

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Fwd: Mothers Made Us Human - Special Lecture by Sarah Hrdy April 26 at UVA

Chronological Thread 
  • From: John Kubinski <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Fwd: Mothers Made Us Human - Special Lecture by Sarah Hrdy April 26 at UVA
  • Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 18:39:30 -0400

Hey Everyone,

This is sure to be a wonderful talk on evolutionary psychology; Sarah Hrdy is very well renowned. I'll definitely be there, so let me know if you're interested and we can head over together if people would like.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomson, James (jat4m) <>
Date: Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 6:20 PM
Subject: Mothers Made Us Human - Special Lecture by Sarah Hrdy April 26 at UVA
To: "Kubinski, John (jsk3az)" <>


Could you send this out to the VAA group. She is well worth hearing.


The University of Virginia Department of Pediatrics and the Sorensen Trust invite you to a talk and reception Thursday afternoon April 26th at 4 pm at the Leonard Sandridge Auditorium in McKim Hall.




The Origin of Emotionally Modern Humans:
What it means to develop and evolve as a cooperatively breeding ape.


Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
University of California-Davis.




Professor Sarah Hrdy is one of the world’s experts on mothering and the mother child relationship. Her works include Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species (1999) and Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding (2009).




This year The School of Advanced Research will present the J. I. Staley Prize to Professor Hrdy for her book Mothers and Others. The award is for a living author who exemplifies outstanding scholarship and writing in anthropology. The award recognizes innovative works that go beyond traditional frontiers and dominant schools of thought in anthropology and add new dimensions to our understanding of the human species.


The talk and reception are free and open to the university community and public. (Map attached.)


Please forward this to anyone else you think would be interested in hearing Professor Hrdy.


We hope you can join us for the talk and the reception that follows.


J. Anderson Thomson, Jr., MD

Counseling and Psychological Services

University of Virginia Student Health


Robert L. Chevalier, M.D.

David Harrison Professor of Pediatrics

University of Virginia








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