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housing-planned-outages - [housing-planned-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity - Normal Power Outage Notice - Bond House 2020-Nov-04 03:00

Subject: Housing Planned outages

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[housing-planned-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity - Normal Power Outage Notice - Bond House 2020-Nov-04 03:00

Chronological Thread 
  • From: UVA Facilities Management <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [housing-planned-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity - Normal Power Outage Notice - Bond House 2020-Nov-04 03:00
  • Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2020 09:54:19 -0500 (EST)
  • Authentication-results:; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)





Facilities Management Outage Notification

Please Post Centrally in Your Department


Electricity - Normal Power Outage    

The purpose of this outage is to complete the electrical closeout testing. This work is part of the Brandon Avenue - Upper Class Housing (Bond House) Project.
Moore’s confirmed that the following will not be affected:
- This will not affect the elevators
- This will not affect the major heating and cooling circuits so it will stay on in the building. There are a few BAS breakers in the panels so BAS reporting of the systems will be lost.
- The front doors should be fine.
- There are a few circuits for the tele/data rooms. This may affect the Wifi.
- There majority of the circuits are the rooms on the first and fifth floors.
- There are circuits that will affect the tenant fitout space.
See the attached panel schedules and riser diagram.
The electricity will be turned back on ASAP.

BLDG: 2150 Bond House

Impact to Building Occupants:  No Electricity
The purpose of this outage is to complete the electrical closeout testing. This work is part of the Brandon Avenue - Upper Class Housing (Bond House) Project.
Moore’s confirmed that the following will not be affected:
- This will not affect the elevators
- This will not affect the major heating and cooling circuits so it will stay on in the building. There are a few BAS breakers in the panels so BAS reporting of the systems will be lost.
- The front doors should be fine.
- There are a few circuits for the tele/data rooms. This may affect the Wifi.
- There majority of the circuits are the rooms on the first and fifth floors.
- There are circuits that will affect the tenant fitout space.
See the attached panel schedules and riser diagram.
The electricity will be turned back on ASAP.

Scheduled Start Date and Time:

2020-Nov-04 03:00
Scheduled End Date and Time:

2020-Nov-04 07:00
Reason for Outage:  
The purpose of this outage is to complete the electrical closeout testing. This work is part of the Brandon Avenue - Upper Class Housing (Bond House) Project.
Moore’s confirmed that the following will not be affected:
- This will not affect the elevators
- This will not affect the major heating and cooling circuits so it will stay on in the building. There are a few BAS breakers in the panels so BAS reporting of the systems will be lost.
- The front doors should be fine.
- There are a few circuits for the tele/data rooms. This may affect the Wifi.
- There majority of the circuits are the rooms on the first and fifth floors.
- There are circuits that will affect the tenant fitout space.
See the attached panel schedules and riser diagram.
The electricity will be turned back on ASAP.

Requested By: 
Sam Walker (UVA FM CC&R)

Outage Coordinator  
Roland "Rollie" Zumbrunn  434-989-0407  
POC for Group Performing Work:
Moore's Electrical  James Bennett 434-546-0917    

FM Responsible Person:  Samuel Walker  434-270-9392
Customers with Whom the Outage was Coordinated:  
HRL coordinated through project. Very limited impact to occupants due to time of outage and circuits affected.

Outage Approved By:
Rollie Zumbrunn (UVA Facilities Management)

Important Notes:
  1. The specified utility or building system will be out of service as noted above.  Please advise the Outage Coordinator immediately if this can not be accommodated in areas under your control or direction
  2. Those performing work associated with this outage MUST  notify the Systems Control Center (982-4685) PRIOR TO THE START and upon COMPLETION of all work


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Attachment: Assistance Requested: Planned Outage Bond House Electricity.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

  • [housing-planned-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity - Normal Power Outage Notice - Bond House 2020-Nov-04 03:00, UVA Facilities Management, 11/02/2020

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