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building-2401-outages - [building-2401-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity (Normal Power) Outage Notice - 2019-Jul-20 07:00

Subject: Building 2401 Carr's Hill / Buckingham Palace outages

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[building-2401-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity (Normal Power) Outage Notice - 2019-Jul-20 07:00

Chronological Thread 
  • From: UVA Facilities Management <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [building-2401-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity (Normal Power) Outage Notice - 2019-Jul-20 07:00
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 18:56:27 -0400 (EDT)
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Facilities Management Outage Notification


Please Post Centrally in Your Department

Electricity (Normal Power) Outage   


2400 Carr's Hill / President's House
2404 Carr's Hill / Guest House
2402 Carr's Hill / President's Garage
2401 Carr's Hill / Buckingham Palace

Impact to Building Occupants: No electricity
Due to the construction, all of the Carr's Hill buildings are vacant now so there are no customer impacts.

Scheduled Start Date and Time:

2019-Jul-20 07:00
Scheduled End Date and Time:

2019-Jul-20 17:00
Reason for Outage:   
Transfer to new panels installed in President's House

Requested By: 
Henry Hull (UVA FM FP&C)

Outage Coordinator:
Ryan Taylor 434-981-8874  
Point of Contact for Performing Work:
Design Electric  Allen Bennett 540-430-1251

FM Responsible Person: Henry Hull 434-270-1574

Outage Approved By:
Ryan Taylor

Important Notes:
  1. The specified utility or building system will be out of service as noted above.  Please advise the Outage Coordinator immediately if this can not be accommodated in areas under your control or direction
  2. Those performing work associated with this outage MUST  notify the Systems Control Center (982-4685) PRIOR TO THE START and upon COMPLETION of all work


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  • [building-2401-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity (Normal Power) Outage Notice - 2019-Jul-20 07:00, UVA Facilities Management, 07/17/2019

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