Health System Planned Outage Notification
Please Post Centrally in Your Department
Chilled Water Outage
BLDG: 1150 University Hospital
AFFECTED FLOORS: 2M Modify chilled water piping connection to AHU-12 to allow for proper insulation of piping. The chilled water coil will be taken off line and the unit placed in economizer mode through systems control. |
Users should not observe any chance in HVAC performance.
***Please Review Your Local Downtime Activation Plan in Advance of This Outage***
While no interruptions in service are expected, beyond those indicated in this notice, you should review your local area response plan prior to the outage. For unexpected issues related to this outage please report to Help Desk at 4-2267 and your local clinical leadership for operational response.
Scheduled Start Date and Time: |
November 13, 2024 at 6:30:00 AM EST |
Scheduled End Date and Time: |
November 13, 2024 at 9:30:00 AM EST
Work Order Number: |
2297012-95100 |
Outage Number: |
Outage Coordinator: |
Jonathan Bruneau 434-872-3305 |
POC for Group Performing Work:
Riddleberger Brothers, Inc. Cole Click 540-705-5651
Customers with Whom the Outage was Coordinated:
Based on outside air conditions, unit will continue to operate as intended in economizer mode. Customers should not notice any change in performance of AHU-12 and do not need to be notified.
The specified utility or utilities will be out of service as noted. Please advise the Outage Coordinator immediately if this cannot be accommodated in areas under your control or direction.
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