Facilities Management Outage Notification
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Cold and Hot Domestic Water Outage
0082 Edgar Shannon Library
0126 Clemons Library
0121 Harrison Institute And Small Special Collections Library
0123 Peabody Hall
0122 Newcomb Hall
Impact to Building Occupants: No cold water No hot water No flushing or shower water
For acceptance of the new sanitary manholes on Newcomb Road, each new manhole needs to be tested, which requires plugging the manholes. Waste lines will be capped and domestic water will be turned off to prevent any accidental use of water during the outage, which could cause clogs or pressure issues during the test. This has been coordinated with Aramark & the Library for fall break when the dining hall is closed.
Scheduled Start Date and Time:
2024-Oct-14 05:00
Scheduled End Date and Time:
2024-Oct-14 07:00
Reason for Outage:
Sanitary manhole testing required for acceptance.
Requested By:
Henry Hull (UVA FM CC&R)
Outage Coordinator:
Robert (Shawn) Ragland 434-566-7033
Point of Contact for Performing Work:
Shanska Dan Swain 540-537-7950
FM Responsible Person: Henry Hull 434-270-1574
Outage Approved By:
Shawn Ragland (UVA - Facilities Management)
Important Notes:
- The specified utility or building system will be out of service as noted above. Please advise the Outage Coordinator immediately if this can not be accommodated in areas under your control or direction
- Those performing work associated with this outage MUST notify the Systems Control Center (982-4685) PRIOR TO THE START and upon COMPLETION of all work
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