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building-0072-outages - [building-0072-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity Normal Power Outage Notice - South Lawn Gibson Hall 2022-Aug-25 07:00

Subject: Building 0072 Gibson Hall outages

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[building-0072-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity Normal Power Outage Notice - South Lawn Gibson Hall 2022-Aug-25 07:00

Chronological Thread  
  • From: UVA Facilities Management <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [building-0072-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity Normal Power Outage Notice - South Lawn Gibson Hall 2022-Aug-25 07:00
  • Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:38:39 -0400 (EDT)
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Facilities Management Outage Notification

Please Post Centrally in Your Department


Electricity Normal Power Outage    

Panel name is CAFAE Panel A, we will be replacing breaker 13/15 50A with a 30A breaker. We will need the panel cover off for a short time in the early AM. 7AM to 8AM. the electric in the Café will be off for a short time.

BLDG: 0072 South Lawn Gibson Hall
Affected Floors / Rooms:  First floor coffee shop will be the only thing affected in the building (Room 111). No other spaces will be impacted.

Impact to Building Occupants:  No Electricity
We will be shutting down the Electrical for the new Gritt Coffee Shop, room 111, to change out an electrical breaker to a proper size for the coffee machine. This will only take a few minutes, but we will plan on an hour just incase we need more time.

Scheduled Start Date and Time:

2022-Aug-25 07:00
Scheduled End Date and Time:

2022-Aug-25 08:00
Reason for Outage:  
To correct the breaker size for thew coffee maker for the new coffee shop in the South Lawn Gibson Hall restaurant.

Requested By: 
David Roberts (UVA FM Operations)

Outage Coordinator  
Ryan Taylor  434-981-8874  
Customers with Whom the Outage was Coordinated:  
Derrick Trussell and Gary Conley

Outage Approved By:
Ryan Taylor (UVA FM Operations)

Important Notes:
  1. The specified utility or building system will be out of service as noted above.  Please advise the Outage Coordinator immediately if this can not be accommodated in areas under your control or direction
  2. Those performing work associated with this outage MUST  notify the Systems Control Center (982-4685) PRIOR TO THE START and upon COMPLETION of all work


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  • [building-0072-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity Normal Power Outage Notice - South Lawn Gibson Hall 2022-Aug-25 07:00, UVA Facilities Management, 08/24/2022

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