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building-0068-outages - [building-0068-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity Normal Power Outage Notice - Clark Hall 2024-May-14 05:00

Subject: Building 0068 Clark Hall outages

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  • From: UVA Facilities Management <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [building-0068-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity Normal Power Outage Notice - Clark Hall 2024-May-14 05:00
  • Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 15:00:39 -0400 (EDT)





Facilities Management Outage Notification

Please Post Centrally in Your Department


Electricity Normal Power Outage    

This will have no effect on emergency power.

BLDG: 0068 Clark Hall

Impact to Building Occupants:  No Electricity
Outage will occur early in the morning to keep impact to a minimum. This will have no effect on emergency power. Red outlets and emergency lighting will remain online. We need confirmation from all contacts to proceed with the outage.

Please Confirm you have received notification of this outage by emailing our Team at:
Randy Spencer:
Jacob Campbell:

Scheduled Start Date and Time:

2024-May-14 05:00
Scheduled End Date and Time:

2024-May-14 07:00
Reason for Outage:  
To tie in the steam generator at Clark Hall.

Requested By: 
Lee Meadows (UVA FM E&U)

Outage Coordinator  
Donald (Randy) Spencer  434-531-6993 
Customers with Whom the Outage was Coordinated:  
Sherhonda Swann
Benji Boatwright

Outage Approved By:
Randy Spencer (UVA FM Operations)

Important Notes:
  1. The specified utility or building system will be out of service as noted above.  Please advise the Outage Coordinator immediately if this can not be accommodated in areas under your control or direction
  2. Those performing work associated with this outage MUST  notify the Systems Control Center (982-4685) PRIOR TO THE START and upon COMPLETION of all work


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Attachment: Assistance Requested: Planned Outage Clark Hall Electricity.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

  • [building-0068-outages] *ALERT* *ALERT* Facilities Management Electricity Normal Power Outage Notice - Clark Hall 2024-May-14 05:00, UVA Facilities Management, 05/10/2024

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